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tending birth canal of earth soul

global council of oracle women

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Dec 21st, 2020


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a ceremony of oracle women who embody ancient feminine wisdom streams, as midwives and guardians of earth mother. supported by a circle of men holding masculine presence and container.


people of all genders are welcome to Purchase a recording of the ceremony!


Women oracles gather in council connecting to knowing this ancient feminine wisdom of the unknowing


We are being in the depths together, opening up a transmission to tend what is true during these times


Our sexual essence is in devotion to birthing the feminine through our bodies


Our hearts love has the capacity to embrace every aspect of humanity


The truth of existence speaks through our womanly bodies and voices


We are rested in our seats


In deep receptivity and surrender to the mystery of life, dedicated to truth, knowing why we are here


We are in devotion to embodying our divinity, each holding a unique key 


As we tend the birth canal of the earth soul


With the Divine Masculine in Devotion to Her

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During these times of chaos and disillusionment in our world


We are dedicated to being humbly present with all that arises in our embodiment


The pain, the despair, the grief, the discomfort in the dying


The beauty and the joy in the deep unknown of new life birthing

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on this day 21 December 2020 we sit in council opening to this transmission


We listen, we receive, we are with the emerging


We are gathered rested around the earth, our legs are deep roots


Our hearts open in divine love


Our wombs expanded into the vast womb of the earth pulsating sweet dark fertile nectar of creation


The birth canal of the earth soul opening wider through our receptivity and surrender to Her


We are the midwives, the guardians tending Her birth in devotion


Our throats are trunks of a tree, the gateway to divine and earth


Our bodies fluidly dancing, birthing divinity into form


Through our throats and crowns opens a Flower Chalice


Around the Flower Chalice is the gathering of all those ancient ones that came before us and those to be born


Gathered now to support this tending the birth canal of earth soul through our womanly bodies


The Flower Chalice, descends down through our wombs and we rest within the fertile blackness of Earth Mother’s holy birth canal



Council of Oracle Women Sharing Live Voice Transmission during the Ceremony 

Juliet Haines

America / Africa

My returning home to the Feminine awakened in wild nature with women on the tip of Mother Africa. I embodied an awakening of the Earth through my body. I felt my body as Her body, as pure Life. I devoted hours daily immersed in nature opening to Her awakening and healing me. An inward journey into my heart as love and my body as the flame of life. A dedication to being in the fire of truth and birthing of my soul. I journeyed into the underworld unwinding my personal past, lineage and ancient conditioning. Welcoming humbly the tenderness and deep feelings of my humanity.


I received Earth Mother's love transmission and depth of wisdom, and an awakening of Divine Feminine as flow of Grace and Beauty. My sexual essence returning home within, in devotion to birthing Her.  I received a clear message that I am here to guide women into the feminine, as midwife and guardian, supporting women to embody their divinity and to remember who they truly are. I'm honored to guide women from around the world on their path, each woman touching me deeply. I have devoted my life as a channel of Her, living this devotion I'm held in Grace. The Feminine continues to awaken more deeply by listening, receptivity and surrender, with the dedication to be present with all that arises in this holy fire of Life. On my journey I have embodied Divine Masculine presence. He is in devotion and in union with the feminine, making love to her and birthing the eternal She, the vast womb of creation. With Him in union with Her I rest within my being, my true essence. 


I'm a deep woman devoted to love, truth and the Grace of Her.  


During these times She called me to immerse in the mountains and guided me to gather this Council of Earth Oracle Women from around the world to Tend the Birth Canal of the Earth Soul.

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Around the Council of Oracle Women is a circle of Grandmothers holding rested grounded space

Oceanna Vissions


Three decades ago, I was initiated through a Women’s Sweat Lodge Ceremony. During the lodge Mother Wolf came from the center stones and spoke to me. With Her large face coming nose to nose with mine - She said “Be Not Afraid. Be fully WOMAN”. And so the journey was sparked in me to “arrive” out of a life of male authority based living, and a rhythm that was so foreign to my own unique pulse. Diving deeply into Women’s, Teachings and Women's circles, finding the Feminine voice, and recognizing the Mother Goddess as She walks here on the Earth. I felt honest and freed up. My delight is in witnessing this contagious awakening as each one of us ignites our hearts in the Feminine Flame of Truth.

I have been blessed to meet teachers of the Women's Moon Mysteries. Teachings of the Maya and dreams of Lemuria brought me to Hawaii, as teachings of Huna brought me to the sacred touch of Lomilomi Bodywork Medicine, as sounding, singing to the bones, igniting the Heart Flame all came alive. I'm a Midwife to women supporting Gateway opening for a "Coming Home to Self'. I use the ancient power of chant and sound to access inner portals that became real and effective.

So now we gather Dear Sisters our attention is merging and peaking for the Listening of Gaia's Songs. For the gleaning of her Wisdom gifts - May we receive and grow in strength and deepen our compassion - May we sit and gestate, first LISTENING and may we act when it is time to act, as we speak the Truth of Her voice.


We are All Birthing through Great Mothers Womb!


Around the Circle of Grandmothers are Women around the world who hear the deep call to be present and Share Written Transmission during the Ceremony forming the Petaled Council. 

maaianne knuth


My journey with the feminine has been a journey of coming home to myself – the animal of my body, the depth of my heart, and the grace and clarity of my mind. We have been taught that to be a woman is about being ‘nice’ and through the ages many of us have been wrapping ourselves into what society and man deemed safe. To return to the fullness of who we are – of who I am-  comes with grief and rage but also with great joy – expansive joy of full and rich expression of the power and potency of woman and of the feminine. 

I am a bridge-builder – whose lineage straddles two continents - Africa and Europe. I am a dancer whose coming home happened particularly through the intelligence of the dance – dancing my soul into the web of my body. My life’s work is to bring people – children, women and men home to themselves – to step fully into their gifts and their wholeness – to vibrate at their particular frequency of light. My work is rooted in Zimbabwe and I work with and from the Soul of Africa to enable people of this land to embrace who they are and what they have to bring to the world. I have a sense of the Feminine that breathes through the soil of this land being in a process of waking, slowly but surely. I see how, as she rises it may come with the grief and the rage, but also how through our work as midwives, releasing emotions and finding new ways of expression, the feminine of this land can find her way through to the Deep Joy of waking and expressing. The image I have when I feel the earth of Africa stir is of Woman rising unshackled. 

I am the co-founder of Kufunda Learning Village, an eco-village and learning centre aimed at the creation of locally rooted solutions to community self-reliance challenges through people’s imagination, collaboration and resources. We host programs for women, for men, and youth - continuously learning our way into the possible future that we long for.



Around the Petaled Council is a Circle of Men holding Divine Masculine Presence and Containment in Devotion to this transmission of Tending Birth Canal of Earth Soul. 

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this communing of oracle women with men in devotion, gathering and tending the earth together opens the birth canal of soul more deeply. 


Welcoming People of all genders to Receive the Gift of this Ceremony.


People who Register to Attend will receive Refuge, Rest in Being and the Nourishment and Love of the Great Mother. 


A deep rest within the warm blackness of her womb of creation. 


The depth of nourishment, holding and wisdom of Her during these times. 


Coming home to the truth of Her, of pure Life beneath the chaos, despair and disillusionment. 


An opening for more deeply embodying divinity. 


Welcoming all of the tenderness of our humanity. 


The Birth Canal of Earth Mother is the birthing place for the Embodiment of Soul.

we appreciate your contributions to support this gathering! 


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Thanks for being in touch!

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