tending the birth canal of the earth soul
emanating the feminine divine into our world!

solstice 2024
global ceremony & nature ritual activation
"Birthing Golden Love"
Contributions to the Ceremony go to a Scholarship Fund to support women affected by the war in Israel and Palestine to heal the Feminine Soul within themselves and in their country.
tending the collective birth we are in!

the oracles in the council embody ancient feminine wisdom streams and tend sacred land. the council is in three layers of a golden rose chalice formation ~ 13 oracles, 4 grandmothers and 26 petals representing the maiden, mother, crone formation.
the council has a unified intention and devotion to tend the birth canal of the earth soul, supporting the collective birth we are in during these times, and to emanate the feminine divine into the world, through our bodies and hearts as vessels of love.
the council is supported by a circle of guardians holding the perimeter of the council temple with grounded presence and containment in devotion and honor for the feminine and the earth.
people of all genders are welcome to attend the council ceremonies to receive refuge, love, wisdom, healing, nourishment and grace from great mother!
Oracles gather in council connecting to knowing this ancient wisdom of the unknowing,
We are being in the depths together, opening up a transmission to tend what is true during these times,
Our beings are in devotion to birthing the depths of the feminine through our hearts and bodies in communion with our sacred earth,
Our hearts love has the capacity to embrace every aspect of humanity,
The truth of existence speaks through our womanly bodies and voices,
We are rested in our seats,
In deep receptivity and surrender to the mystery of life, dedicated to truth, knowing why we are here,
We are in devotion to embodying our divinity, each holding a unique key,
As we Tend the Birth Canal of the Earth Soul, we are tending the collective birth we are in during these transformational times, and we are Emanating the Feminine Divine through our womanly bodies and hearts into our world.
We invite the Masculine Divine from the golden Sun as a pillar of devotion and honor for the birthing of the feminine in our world. We receive the presence, protection and containment from the Guardians. Having the Guardians with us births harmony between the masculine and feminine essences within us, amongst us and in our world.
The Constellation of the Oracle Council shall be unique for each Ceremony that unfolds over the years to come, as we are in Her Birthing Canal...
During these times of chaos and disillusionment in our world,
We are dedicated to being humbly present with all that arises in our embodiment,
The pain, the despair, the grief, the discomfort in the dying,
The beauty, grace and the joy in the deep unknown of new life birthing!

we are in council humbled heart and womb to the ground at her feet
We listen, we receive, we are with the emerging,
We are gathered rested around the Earth, our legs are deep roots,
Our hearts open in divine love,
Our wombs expanded into the vast womb of Great Mother pulsating sweet dark fertile nectar of creation,
Her birth canal opening wider through our receptivity and surrender to Her,
We are the midwives, the oracles, the priestesses tending Her birth in devotion,
Our throats are trunks of a tree, the gateway to Divine and Earth,
Our bodies fluidly dancing, birthing divinity into matter,
The Council of Women opening as a golden Rose Chalice of harmonic resonance and beauty,
Around the Rose Chalice is the gathering of all those ancient ones that came before us and those to be born,
Gathered now to tend the birthing of the Earth Soul through our womanly bodies and voices,
We are in her holy birth canal and her expansions and contractions shall continue for years to come,
We deeply rest within the fertile ground of our beings, birthing our individual souls and the collective world soul!
Around the Council of Oracle Women is a circle of Grandmothers holding rested grounded space and sharing crone wisdom.

Janice Butler
I am the deep feminine. I was in my mothers sacred womb and I was in my grandmothers sacred womb and I can feel many generations of women flowing through my womb space. I can feel my great grandmother, a midwife, flowing through me. I can feel my gramma, a soft and gracious love, flowing through me. I can feel my mother, her community’s wise women, flowing through me. I can feel my great great great great Aunt Sara, a witch burned at the stake in Salem.. I can feel my daughter in me. We are one interwoven by our sacred wombs and wise women stories.
Recently, after having a complete hysterectomy I had a vision of my now empty womb space, being filled with beautiful vines and flowers. In the center, sat a large majestic white owl. I could feel the deep calling of my own inner wisdom in amongst the beauty of the flowers and vines. I share my wise women stories with the men, women and children I have counseled over the past three decades, guiding people on a path back home to themselves. My daughter is a powerful healer who carries on many of my traditions.
The Wisdom of the Feminine continues to flow through my heart and womb to all I touch. I have lead women’s circles for many years and have a deep calling to support the rise of the feminine on the planet. I am committed to love and devoted to God and my sacred calling on the planet is to bring all into the knowing that I have of the Love and oneness with God in my body.

Around the Oracle Council is a Circle of Guardians holding the perimeter with Presence and Containment, as pillars of Devotion and Honor for to the Feminine Divine and the Earth. Having the Guardians with us births harmony between the masculine and feminine essences within us, between us and in our world. The Guardians are partners of the Oracles or beloved friends, brothers or sons.

this communing of midwives and guardians of the earth soul supports the collective birth we are in during these times. together we tend the birth canal of the earth soul and anchor the feminine divine in our world!
Welcoming People of all Genders to Receive the Gift of the Council Ceremonies.
People who Register to Attend will receive Refuge, Nourishment, Healing, Grace, Wisdom and Love from Great Mother.
An invitation to rest within the warmth of her womb of creation.
And to receive the depth of nourishment, holding and wisdom from Her during these times.
Coming home to the pulse of golden Life and Love.
Uniting your body with the being of the Earth as one collective Body.
We are Her and she is Us!
Honouring her expansion, contractions, pauses, resting in the silence, her emptying out and her filling up.
Breath by breath... moment by moment...
An opening to more deeply embodying your soul.
Welcoming all of the tenderness of your humanity.
We are in the Great Mother's birthing canal and her expansions and contractions shall continue for years to come!