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Solstice Gathering Recording
December 21st, 2021

During these times of chaos and disillusionment in our world


We are dedicated to being humbly present with all that arises in our embodiment


The pain, the despair, the grief, the discomfort in the dying


The beauty and the joy in the deep unknown of new life birthing

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What a year this has been, so much touched, so much to feel, so much to digest, assimilate and calibrate into our beings. So much to ‘be with’!
I’ve been listening deeply to what Solstice is wanting to be.
This is what is emerging…
All that We are 
Being with 
During these times
The Invitation for the Earth Soul Oracle Council - Solstice, Dec 21st is to take one hour ‘to be together’ and to drop deeply into Her underbelly. Into the blackness of her womb where form meets formless, where the ground opens as wide and deep as the starry sky. And to surrender so completely into becoming the vastness of her, where She is swallowing up and digesting all that is dropping away.
Where we rest into her pulse for assimilation and calibration of Her into our cells, blood, flesh, bones.
Join on zoom, receive the link in the Tending Birth Canal of Earth Soul Private FB Group (see link in bio/comments to join the group) at 10am PST, Dec 21st to Midwife this individual and collective digestion, assimilation, calibration. This gathering is free to attend!
Take off your sparkly Goddess clothes
Drop the faces of fancy Consciousness 
Get naked
And show what’s really there
And allow nature to adorn you
We can resist her
Rise above her
Live in the separation of the contraction 
Or we can unravel into her
Into her birthing contractions
And feel
She is swallowing us up
Digesting the collective psyche of humanity
Into Her wisdom 
All that’s not in reverence to her
In honour
In bowing down into the blood sweat and tears of the rawness of life
In union with pure nature, the being of the Earth
Is crumbling
And it must
Let it all decompose into the fertile blackness 
These are the times we are in
She is birthing our souls and the collective world soul
Sweetly gently and with deep caressing love as we surrender 
Into union with all of life
We are in her birthing canal and shall be here for years to come


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